Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen (MHHK) is a multifaceted hip hop event designed to showcase women artists, especially women of color. MHHK serves as a social justice community-organizing platform that educates and empowers women of color on issues that impact their lives, including HIV/AIDS and reproductive justice.
SAT. MARCH 7, 2020
Momma's Hip Hop Kitchen Volume 13 : DARE TO DREAM!
Join us on Saturday, March 7th from 2-5pm at Hostos Community College in the Boogie Down Bronx. FREE! ALL AGES!!! Families Encouraged!!!!

March 7, 2015 is officially MHHK Day in the BX!

Volume 13: Dare To Dream!
March 7, 2020
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” -Harriet Tubman
Momma's Hip Hop Kitchen is ecstatic about reaching it’s 13th year! Our vision of providing a multifaceted hip hop event designed to serve as a social justice community-organizing platform that educates, empowers and showcases women of color on issues that impact their lives is a real thing. We would’ve never hit this tremendous milestone without all of the awesome spirits that have supported and accompanied us on this wildly beautiful dream.
Our theme this year, "Dare To Dream" is in honor of all of those who have taken on dreaming despite the obstacles. When we dream we release our hopes and fears, our innermost desires and ambitions. Dreaming provides us with insight into ourselves and a means for self-exploration. As an active dreaming collective we have experienced an enormous amount of victories in the midst of so many trials. We have used our ability to dream out loud and be in action as a voice to resist all of the “isms” that have tried to bring us down. We are in tune with the value of our visions and the power of our minds. We have the courage to manifest what we see inside.
As we gear up for another volume of our show, we are motivated by the trust that the community has given us to serve as an outlet for living out your dreams.
We encourage you to come out and celebrate another year of your dopeness on Saturday, March 7, 2020. Join us for a FREE, all-ages women in hip-hop concert to kick off International Women’s Month at the Hostos Center for Arts and Culture (Bronx, NY) from 2 to 5 pm. Our showcase will be featuring female emcees, poets, b-girls, deejays, dancers, graffiti artists, vendors and more. There will be FREE HIV testing provided during the event. We can’t wait to rock with you!
Volume 12: Do What You Love, Love What You Do!
March 2, 2019
"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. " — Rumi
Momma's Hip Hop Kitchen is celebrating its twelfth year of existence! There is so much excitement that comes from being able to provide a safe space for our community to be itself, raw, candid, and liberated. As we have tapped into and addressed dozens of issues over the years we have seen an incredible amount of growth from the inside out. Our organization has had an opportunity to expand and provide smaller showcases across NYC and beyond. This experience has given us a chance to connect with other artists who have never heard of us and share that platform of truth and freedom with them. As we grow, so does the message of Peace, Love, Unity, and Having Fun.
Our theme this year, " Do What You Love. Love What You Do." is inspired by YOU. As a community, our collective consciousness has elevated exponentially. We have all leveled up and it feels great. We have been able to use the art of Hip-Hop as medicine and as a way to call back our individual and collective power. Together we have used poetry, song, dance, and art as our shield and as our weapon against oppression and the debilitating disease of self-sabotage. Our dedication to seeking justice for ourselves and our community is done with vast amounts of courage, boldness, and passion. We are unapologetic now, it is second nature and we know how to manage it. We are encouraged by the fact that true love ALWAYS wins and we love ourselves enough to be fully immersed in making a difference.
"Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, harness your power to your passion. Honor your calling. Everybody has one. Trust your heart, and success will come to you." — Oprah Winfrey
Please come out and celebrate our resilient spirit and that of our ancestors on Saturday, March 2, 2019. Join us for a FREE, all-ages concert to kick off International Women’s Month at Hostos Center for Arts and Culture (Bronx, NY) from 2 to 5 pm. Our showcase will be featuring female emcees, poets, b-girls, deejays, dancers, graffiti artists, vendors and more. There will be FREE HIV testing provided during the event. We can’t wait to be in your presence!
provided during the event. We can’t wait to be in your presence!

Volume 11: Born Ready: Fresh, Fearless and WOKE!
Saturday, March 3, 2018 Hostos Community College 2-5pm
Woman, mujer, mwanamke, gratë, gynaíkes, kobiety!!!!
We are women who have come a long way. We are proud of the fact that we have done the work. We have matured as we have dug deep into the issues that affect us personally and collectively. We are confident in what we know. At this point in the game, we know that we have the power to take matters into our own hands and be badasses who make miracles happen. We were born to win. We win! We are high energy, we are visionaries, and we are inspirational. As we journey together as a beautiful multi-generational community we will continue to be intentional in all that we do. We will always celebrate the cycle of life in all of its phases. Join us as we fiercely serve our community some hip-hop healing. We love you. Come as you are. Together we are medicine. Together we are better.
Join us and celebrate International Women’s Month and our special anniversary on Saturday, March 3, 2018 from 2 to 5pm at Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture (Bronx, NY) for FREE. Our showcase will featuring female emcees, poets, b-girls, deejays, dancers, graffiti artists and more. We can’t wait to be in your presence!
Volume 10: Still We Rise!
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Add News Story here"When I decided to speak, I had a lot to say." -Maya Angelou
We are entering into a climate of uncertainty and change, but despite all of the lows, we still go high. We soar! We rise! We rise to celebrate our ancestors who have collectively struggled to lay the path for us to journey upon. We rise to break the chains of oppression. We rise so our sisters’ voices can be heard. We have risen time and time again.
In the first few years of MHHK (Vol.1-3), we worked to establish our dream of creating a safe space for our community to be and heal themselves however they saw fit. It happened organically because that is what the people needed and wanted. The women in our communities manifested this event consciously and intentionally. We dove back into our roots, learned about the power of faith, feminism, Hip Hop, and the injustices that we battled daily.
Once that fire was lit, the sisterhood continued to feed it with pure love, passion, honor, respect, art, and divinity.
The next set of years (Vol.4-6) were about knowing and applying our truth about having the power to truly create the world that we wanted to live in. We chose to get active, research, and be the cure. We made the bold move and acknowledged our influence and authority in conversations about the environment, education, and our reproductive system.
The energy built in those six years was the catalyst for MHHK (Vol. 7-9), which had sold out shows, guests from across the globe, more media, celebrities performing, awards, more artist making headlines, and a proclamation from the Bronx stating that March 7 would be Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen day forever. We celebrated our sisterhood, we protested, and then introduced the concept of Universal Love. We grew, we blossomed, we rose!
Today we are honored and grateful to celebrate our 10th year anniversary of Momma's Hip Hop Kitchen as a community organizing vehicle. Over the past 10 years we've seen friendships built, families united, and healing all around. We take pride in our community and the partnerships that we have established.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for daring to dream with us! Thank you for choosing to hold our hand and have our back.
"Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise. "
- Maya Angelou “Still I Rise"
Join us and celebrate International Women’s Month and our special anniversary on Saturday, March 4, 2017 from 2 to 5pm at Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture (Bronx, NY) for FREE. Our showcase will featuring female emcees, poets, b-girls, deejays, dancers, graffiti artists and more. We can’t wait to be in your presence!.

Volume 9: Universal Love
March 5, 2017- 2-5pm @Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture : Event is FREE
Setting the intention for Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen for the past 8 years has been an intense experience. The plethora of issues that impact women, specifically women of color and their families, is quite overwhelming.
Last year we decided that Enough Is Enough and made a Spiritual Call to these actions:
RISE and awaken the Spirit of women and girls all over the world.
BECOME that which we already are, fearless, courageous and powerful!
As we get closer to reaching a decade of using the art of Hip Hop as a tool for awareness, self expression and healing, we deeply feel that it is our responsibility to bring the idea of Universal Love to the stage. We all need Love!
Universal love is an expression of total harmony. Everything is in harmony with everything else. Nothing is excluded. Your will is in harmony with your compassion. Your compassion is in harmony with your joy. Your joy is in harmony with your anger. Your anger is in harmony with your body. Your body is in harmony with your ego. Your ego is in harmony with other people. There is no conflict anywhere. Everything fits and functions as a togetherness, as a oneness. That oneness is you.
Collectively, we will explore the idea of Universal Love through our powerful sisters performances. Our hope is to sow a seed of this type of love into our community. We will be together for a total of 2 1/2 hours shedding positive vibrations of love and light to our hood and to the world. Please join us!

Volume 8: Enough is Enough!
March 7, 2015: 2-5pm @Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture : Event is FREE
Annually we shed light on different social issues. For Volume 8 this year we are bringing awareness to violence in our communities, especially violence against women. This year we continue to use hip-hop as our tool to educate the masses and build awareness around violence against women.
We are shouting ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! WE are tired of the chronic injustice that impacts our community when women and girls are not valued. We feel that when women are disempowered, the community as a whole suffers. Help us create a safe and healing space by attending and participating in Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen, Vol. 8: Enough is Enough!

Volume 7: Celebrating Sisterhood
March 1, 2014: 2-5pm @Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture : Event is FREE
Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen turns seven this year! We are moved, touched and inspired by all of the beautiful people near and far who have supported our vision and work over the years. Our annual all women hip-hop concert “Vol. 7: Celebrating Sisterhood” will focus on the use of hip-hop as a tool to honor the accomplishments of women and build awareness around women in the arts.
The magic that happens before, during and after the events is transformational for many. This year we are introducing the “7 Pillars of Sisterhood” to initiate dialogue about the actions needed in order to create and maintain strong sisterhood. The 7 pillars are LOVE, RESPECT, HONESTY, DISCIPLINE, COMPASSION, PATIENCE and PEACE. Thousands have witnessed these “7 Pillars of Sisterhood” in action on the stage year after year and we truly believe that it is the driving force behind our concerts. Too often the accomplishments of women are not celebrated and women are portrayed in a negative light. It is time to RISE UP and celebrate 7 years of edifying and uplifting our young and adult women through the power of the hip-hop culture.
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Volume 6: No Limits...Knowledge is Power!
March 2, 2013: 2-5pm @Hostos Center for the Arts and Culture : Event is FREE
Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen honors Hostos Community College’s 45th year anniversary of excellence in higher education and cultural preservation by naming our Vol.6 annual all women hip-hop concert “No Limits…Knowledge is Power!” Our goal is to use hip-hop as a tool to address and build awareness around education. We will advocate for smaller class sizes, the closing of the achievement gap between the rich and the poor and a comprehensive sexual education curriculum. We will engage community, initiate dialogue, and inspire action in supporting better educational opportunities.
WE GET IT!! Our schools are overcrowded and often lack the proper resources to educate our children. We know our teachers are putting in extra time and their own personal money to make sure students have what they need to learn. We understand that the United States spends $293 less per year on students in mostly nonwhite schools than on students in all other schools. We realize that the less money spent in schools on students of color prevents them from having equal access to classroom teachers, computers and guidance counselors. Yes, WE GET IT!! So we, at Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen want to show that despite these educational inequalities, there are NO LIMITS to education and getting to the top. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and we want to encourage our young people and communities to sticking to educating themselves and others on issues of importance so the playing field can be level for everyone! We can no longer sit back and wait, we must stand strong and stress the importance of education to politicians and government officials in our communities. It is up to US to be the change that we want to see. SPEAK UP and be a voice for your community!
Fast Facts:
- The United States spends $293 less per year on students in mostly nonwhite schools than on students in all other schools. That’s 7 percent of the median per-pupil spending
- The percentage of high school dropouts among 16- through 24-year-olds declined from 11.8 percent in 1998 to 7.4 percent in 2010; Although there have been declines in the Black and Hispanic dropout rates—which have traditionally been among the highest—dropout rates for Blacks and Hispanics remain higher than those for Whites and Asians
- Of those students immediately enrolling in college the fall after high school graduation, females enrolled at a higher rate (70%) than males (62.8%)
Young adults with a bachelor’s degree earned more than twice as much as those without a high school diploma or its equivalent in 2010; 50 percent more than young adult high school completers, and 22 percent more than young adults with an associate’s degree.
Momma’s Hip Hop Kitchen Vol. 6: No Limits…Knowledge is Power! encourages you to use hip-hop as a tool of organizing and education. Join the movement and become a b-girl, deejay, emcee, or graffiti artist who will disseminate positive information and create a more holistic culture.