Lah has curated a special series of "avant garde" events called Pearls of WIsdom. The intention behind these events is to highlight and bring awareness about her life experiences/lifestyle to the globe. Lah opens up the space for women who share the same theme in their lives to be self expressed and safe . The event is dedicated to initiating a raw conversation about taboo or untouched issues. Each event represents an important piece of Lah's life.

Well, I have tried to loose weight, I have been on every single diet you can think of… yeah YO-YO dieting. None of it has worked and if anything, has made me way bigger. I have had to deal with people telling me that I have a “pretty face” and that I should consider loosing the weight and then I would make it in the music industry. And if not, why don't I consider doing BBW Porn. WOW! BBW PORN!???? BBW PORN is not my choice or cup of tea. I know that I can live out my purpose and mission in this lifetime without baring my assets. Attention: THIS IS NOT A JUDGEMENT ON THOSE SISTERS WHO CHOOSE THAT LIFESTYLE. It's just not me!
(Please GOOGLE BBW and you will see what I am talking about regarding the pornography! )
So I was triggered and decided to put an event together of sisters like me, sisters that were PLUS SIZED or BIG BONED or had MORE TO LOVE and were positive!
My intentions were to bring womyn together that believe this:
"Here I am! This is me! I am big! I am talented! I am bold! I am not afraid! I am beautiful and whoever doesn’t like it, can beat it! I don’t want to be your closet freak, or the woman who keeps you warm in the winter, the same one you ignore during the summer. I will not be that! I am in love with myself, and at the end of the day God loves me no matter how many cheeseburgers I eat. FYI- just cuz I'm big don't mean I eat 15 cheeseburgers! My comfort food is MY ART!"
Featured: Storm, Mo Baby, Elsie E., Sally H., Chango Bi, Lah Tere, FuerzaGoddess, Adilka, Ryss, Lindsey Renee and more!
In 2011, as soon as Lah moved back to the Chi from New York City, she decided to connect with a couple of her favorite high school friends who owned D'Cache Hair Salon. Lah Tere had been doing service work to bring awareness about Breast Cancer for over 10 years with her sorority. It was time to take it up a step and so she did. Yari, Hector and Lah envisioned
Hip Hop, Poetry and Make-Overs for two Latina's whose lives were impacted by Breast Cancer. The women had mastectomies, their hair had changed texture after it grew back and they did not feel beautiful.
While the women got manicures, pedicures, make-up done, hair cut and styled, we rocked poems and Hip Hop. The flat screen tv's were synced into the lobby area, where we performed for them. We could not see them, but they could see us. People poured their hearts out regarding how Breast Cancer had touched their lives in one way or another. At the end of the night, they were presented to their family and friends. This night was unforgettable.